Advantages of Body Armor on Jeep Wranglers

Advantages of Body Armor on Jeep Wranglers

Jeep Wranglers are already known for being durable vehicles that can withstand the toughest weather and environment that comes their way. However, no vehicle is invincible, and not many vehicles have room for improvement like a Jeep Wrangler does. If you are a Jeep Wrangler owner who frequently goes on off-roading adventures, then you will want to make some modifications with all the different pieces of body armor out there. Continue reading and discover all the advantages of body armor on Jeep Wranglers along with some other considerations.  

Benefits of Body Armor 

There are so many cool additions that you can make to your Jeep that can give it an aesthetically pleasing look that stands apart from others. Adding body armor to your Jeep Wrangler is only a great option to have because the vehicle is so popular, but it can also prolong your Jeep’s life in several ways. Learn more about the advantages of body armor on Jeep Wranglers in more detail ahead.  

Avoid Dents 

On an off-roading trail, you are bound to come across various outdoor elements, and an inevitable one is rocks on an unpaved road. While a dirt road is great for off-roading, it’s not the greatest for your Jeep since it can cause dents on the exterior. This is one reason why your Jeep Wrangler needs to have body armor on the exterior.

Protect Paint 

Body armor also provides value to your Jeep Wrangler in other ways beyond simply protecting it from dents. Jeep Wrangler body armor is also great because it can prevent damage done to your vehicle's paint as well, which can be a major blow to your vehicle's exterior. Not only is protecting your paint important for the look of your vehicle, but not doing so can also lead to rust.  

Reduce Broken Taillights 

Another problem many Jeep owners come across once they hit the off-road trail is broken taillights. A broken taillight can be terrible for drivers around you since you won’t be able to communicate with others when you are braking.  

Decrease Breakdowns 

Body armor doesn’t just protect everything on the exterior of your Jeep Wrangler either. There are very important components of a vehicle, such as a fuel tank stored underneath your Jeep, that are also at risk when you go off-roading. If damage were to occur, you could be stranded on a trail.  

Adds Visual Flair 

Besides giving you the ability to go off-roading, one of the best things about Jeep Wranglers is how much you can customize them. Body armor is just one way you can make your Wrangler look different from all the others on a trail and on the road.  

Avoid Depreciation 

From the moment you get a vehicle, it’s at risk of depreciation, but there are several ways you can add value to your Jeep. Jeep Wranglers are already hot commodities when it comes to vehicles, but you can get even more for your vehicle if you protect it, which can be done with the help of body armor. Without exterior damage, your Jeep Wrangler will have a much higher value, whenever you are looking to get your hands on a new one in the future.  

Easy to Add On 

Something that can turn people off from making changes to their vehicle is the thought of it being too difficult. The good news is that Jeep Wranglers are customizable-friendly, which means it’s pretty easy to add parts like body armor onto your vehicle. So, there’s no need to take it somewhere or get some help. You can easily modify your Jeep Wrangler on your own with the help of some guides and videos online.  

Different Types of Body Armor 

After learning about all the benefits that come with body armor, you might be wondering what kind of body armor you should place on your Jeep. AM Off-Road offers a great selection of additions you can make, and here are a few you should consider:  


One area of your Jeep that is vulnerable to rocks and other elements is by your windshield wipers. A cowl attaches to a Jeep Wrangler with 3M stickers and features a durable material that can prevent any debris from damaging your Jeep in that area.  

Rock Sliders 

When it comes to the bottom of your Jeep Wrangler, one of the best options for protection is rock sliders. A rock slider is primarily used as a sidestep to help others get in and out of a Wrangler, but there are other uses as well. Because there can be lots of large rocks and other obstacles on a trail, a rock slider can reduce the amount of damage your Jeep takes and protect important parts of the vehicle’s undercarriage.  

Rear Bumpers 

Another area of your vehicle that is prone to damage is the rear. This is where the addition of rear bumpers comes in handy. While Jeep Wranglers already come with bumpers, replacing the factory default can provide even more protection and more features, such as D-ring mounts welded onto it.  

Front Bumpers 

In addition to the back, you should also do your best to protect the front of your Jeep. You can do so by adding front bumpers like a winch. A Jeep Wrangler winch is great for getting you out of tough situations on a trail, as well as for giving more room between your vehicle and any potential issues that might come its way.  

Light Guards 

Harm may also come to your Jeep Wrangler’s lights, which can leave you in a dangerous position if you are off-roading at night. Therefore, you should consider getting light guards. Light guards and covers for your headlights and taillights can shield these parts from anything that can cause a crack in your Jeep’s lights and lead to a malfunction.  

Protect Your Jeep Wrangler with AM Off-Road 

When it comes to your Jeep Wrangler, there are many modifications you can make that can help keep it in great shape. If you keep up with regular maintenance and make the right additions, your Jeep Wrangler can run for a long time. You can find some of these great additions for your Jeep Wrangler at AM Off-Road, with everything from body armor to Jeep JK grill inserts. Prolong your Jeep’s lifespan by investing in it today with some of the best additions by browsing AM Off-Road's grand selection of accessories.  

Advantages of Body Armor on Jeep Wranglers

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